The duration of leave after hair transplantation may vary depending on the personal recovery process, the nature of your work and the method used. However, in general, the following recommendations apply:
1. First 3-5 Days: The first few days after hair transplantation, it is best to focus on rest and recovery. Mild swelling and redness are normal during this time.
2. Week 1: Within the first week, you can usually return to your work life, but you should avoid heavy physical activities and excessive exertion. If your job is in an office environment, taking a week off may be enough.
3. Week 2: If your job does not require physical activity, you can return after 1 week of leave. However, if you work in sports or a physically strenuous job, it is recommended to take at least 10-14 days off.
4. Full Healing: The full healing process after hair transplantation usually varies between 6 months and 1 year. Being careful in the first few weeks will help the hair follicles to hold on healthily.
It is important to make the best decision considering your own situation and business. It will be beneficial to follow your doctor’s recommendations after hair transplantation.